NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Optical Engineer, February 2017 - Present Optical Engineer in the 'Advanced Optical Instruments' group of the 'Optics' section.
California Institute of Technology, Caltech Postdoctoral Scholar at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, April 2015 - February 2017 Post-doc in the 'Advanced Optical Instruments' group of the 'Optics' section.
Texas A&M University, Research Assistant, Dr. David Hyland, Intensity correlation imaging and stellar occultation, Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2014
NASA - Michoud Assembly Facility, Intern - Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans, La, Summer 2009 Intern in the administrative office of the NASA Michoud Assembly Facility. Main summer project consisted of working with local school teachers to promote NASA awareness within schools. I led a group of 6 teachers and organized meeting and seminars with professional engineers, project managers, and astronauts to educate the school teachers on the working NASA.
Texas A&M University, Research Assistant, Dr. Tamás Kalmár-Nagy, Dynamics of Non-linear Systems, Fall 2008-2011
Texas A&M University, Grader, Dr. Tamás Kalmár-Nagy, Engineering Mechanics, Fall 2008
Lockheed Martin, Intern, New Orleans, La, Summer 2008 Production support for the external tank of the space shuttle in the "propulsion & electrical design" department. Main summer projects involved wiring harness design and testing in cryogenic environments.
Lockheed Martin, Intern, New Orleans, La, Summer 2007 Production support for the external tank of the space shuttle in the "propulsion & electrical design" department. Main summer projects involved sensor design and product quality testing.
Consulting Clients
Excalibur Almaz, Jan. 2015 - March. 2016 Experimental launch vehicle feasibility study and structural analysis.
Experimental Center for Applied Physical Systems, Jun. 2013 - Dec. 2014 Mission simulation and design for an asteroid mitigation mission utilizing albedo-change techniques.
Former Interns and Mentees
Philippe Des Boscs - Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2022
Charles Ross - JPL Summer Internship Program (JPLSIP) 2018
Anusha Pai - Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2018