Russell Trahan

Dr. Russell E. Trahan, Jr

UNO Logo


Phone: 504-254-5248

LinkedIn Research Gate


  • "Software Development Specification for a Microprocessor Controlled Active Filter System," submitted to and funded by Powertronics Systems, Inc., New Orleans, LA. Co-principal Investigator.
  • "Design of a Fiber Optics Based Torque Sensor" funded by Litton Data Systems, New Orleans, LA. Principal Investigator.
    Phase I$13,7111984
    Phase II$8,7091985
    Phase III$6,6821986
    Phase IV$7,9381986
  • "Development of Software for Reliability of Substation Layout Studies" funded by Louisiana Power and Light, New Orleans, LA. Principal Investigator.
    Phase I$22,5501985
    Phase II$27,0001987
  • "Analysis of an Electric Fault Current Limiter" funded by Powertronics Systems, Inc., New Orleans, LA. Principal Investigator.
  • "An Optimization Model of the Tejas Power Corporation Moss Bluff Storage Facility" funded by Tejas Power Corp., Houston, Texas. Principal Investigator.
  • "Dynamic Bus Program Upgrade" funded by Louisiana Power and Light Company, New Orleans, LA. Principal Investigator.
    Phase I$28,0001990
    Phase II$30,0001991
  • "A Chemical Sensor Signal Classification Study" funded by Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS. Principal Investigator.
  • "Submarine Load Sensor Development" funded by Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS. Principal Investigator.
  • "Development of Optical Sensor Instrumentation" funded by Naval Research Laboratory-Stennis Space Center, MS. Principal Investigator.
  • "Planned Center for the Industrial Application of Electric Instrumentation for Energy Efficient Methods of Temperature Control" funded by Chevron Chemical Company, Belle Chasse, LA. Principal Investigator.
  • "Testing and Finding Applications for EPRI's Mid-Term Stability and Small signal Stability Programs" funded by Entergy Corporation, New Orleans, LA. Principal Investigator.
  • "Improved Industrial Substation Operational Continuity by Insulator Maintenance and Selection" funded by EPRI as Tailored Collaboration with Entergy Corporation, New Orleans, LA. Co-principal Investigator with Dr. Gill Richards.
  • "Development of a Kalman Filter Model for Impact Acceleration Tests," funded by Naval Biodynamics Laboratory, New Orleans, LA. Co-principal investigator with Dr. Paul Chirlian. Co-investigator Dr. Edit Bourgeois.
  • "Shipboard Sensors," funded by the Gulf Coast Region Maritime Technology Center (GCRMTC), University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. Co-principal investigator with Dr. Paul Chirlian.
    Phase I$256,2811995
    Phase II$228,4761996
  • "Mid-term Stability Analysis of the Entergy System," funded by Entergy Corporation, New Orleans, LA.
  • "Ship Propellor Thrust and Torque Measurement," funded by GCRMTC. With PI Dr. Paul Chirlian. Duration of project through July, 1998.
  • "Large Scale Fiber-Bragg-Grating Sensor System for Shipboard Monitoring," funded by GCRMTC. With co-PI Dr. Paul Chirlian. Duration of project through September, 1999.
  • "Laser Distance and Ranging (LIDAR) Technology in Shipyards," funded by GCRMTC. With Co-PI Dr. Paul Chirlian. Duration of project June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2002.
  • "Active Control of Planing Hull Motions," funded by GCRMTC. With Co-PI Dr. William Vorus. Duration of project August 17, 1999 through August 16, 2002.